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While a significant number of Latina webcam models are from the South American countries and Mexico, a good many of them are also citizens of the USA. Latinacamsplus.com makes an attempt to bring these American Latin cams girls onboard.
Latinacamsplus.com, a leading webcam chat portal that features hundreds of latina cams girls, recently announced that they are now scouting length and breadth of the US to rope in many more Latin cams babes for their large and growing chat community. The owners said that the influx of new male chatting members who look for genuinely beautiful Latina webcam models has made them rethink their recruitment strategy and policy. They said that the objective for the next three months for them is to recruit as many US based Latin webcam chat models as they can.
“However, the aggressive recruitment policy adopted by the management clearly states that quality will be given priority over any related criteria. We know that there are many unemployed and single Latina girls in the US who are willing to work online to keep their home fires burning. However, we are a little picky when it comes to selecting Latina cams models for our chat portal and not everybody will get a chance to become a part of the community”, said the CEO of the chatting portal. He also said that the age group they are targeting is 20-30.
According to the owners, the site already has got 70,000 active members and growing. They said that they want to make sure that everyone chatting on their webcam chat portal feels safe while talking to strangers. They maintained that the chat sessions are not censored but digitally archived. Quite emphatically, the owners added that their internal cyber crime and fraud prevention cell takes suggestions and activity reports far too seriously and whenever they find a proof for a member abusing or trying to dupe another member, strict action is taken against the perpetrator.
The CEO of the Latin cams chatting portal said, “We are going to take every possible step to ensure maximum traffic to our web chat portal. It is equally important for us to retain our old patrons who have supported us since the early days of the chat portal.”
About the Company
Latinacamsplus.com is a popular Latina cam chat portal. For more information, Www.latinacamsplus.com…
Latinacamsplus.com Preparing To Rope In Ravishing Latin Cams Women Through The USA
Latinacamsplus.com Likely To Rope In Ravishing Latin Webcams Women Within The USA